Josiah Carlson wrote:
> On the other hand, the introduction of some 60k+ valid unicode glyphs 
> into the set of characters that can be seen as a name in Python would 
> make any such attempts by anyone who is not a native speaker (and even 
> native speakers in the case of the more obscure Kanji glyphs) an 
> exercise in futility.

So you gather up a list of identifiers and and send out for translation.  
actual Kanji glyphs instead a mix of transliterations and bad English will only 
make that easier.

That won't even cost you anything, since you were already having docstrings 
translated, along with comments and documentation, right?

> But this issue isn't limited to different characters sharing glyphs! 
> It's also about being able to type names to use them in your own code 
> (generally very difficult if not impossible for many non-Latin 
> characters), or even be able to display them.

For display, tell your editor the utf-8 source file is really latin-1.  For 
entry, copy-paste.

- Anders

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