> Thanks a lot for all kind replies!
> I think I need a systematic learning of design patterns. I have found 
> some tutorials
> about design pattern about python, but can somebody point me which is 
> the best to start with ?
When you say "Design Patterns", what do you mean? Do you mean it in the 
computer-science-vocabulary-sense, as in [Singleton, Observer, Template, 
...]? If you're a novice or hobby programmer, let me tell you this: 
Don't. Or at least: Don't, yet. Design patterns are meant to solve 
problems that you run into relatively often, but don't let that trick 
you: You have to get some intuition about them, or they'll make 
virtually no sense to you. They're not guide as to how to write 
programs. They help you overcome these "little obstacles" that you 
commonly run into. But if you really must know: Wikipedia is a good 
start (duh! ;)).

If you mean the term in a looser sense, like how to approach 
programming, when to use what idiom, etc ...: Don't read too much, just 
write code, see if it works and if it doesn't, be creative. If it still 
doesn't work, ask. Like you did. Don't bother with theory all too long; 
you will understand programming concepts much more easily when you're 
"in it". And for the light stuff, like the Idea behind OO (classes, 
methods, etc.), Wikipedia is always good enough.


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