Steve Howell schrieb:
> --- Steve Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> --- 7stud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Bejeezus.  The description of groupby in the docs
>> is
>>> a poster child
>>> for why the docs need user comments.  
> Regarding the pitfalls of groupby in general (even
> assuming we had better documentation), I invite people
> to view the following posting that I made on
> python-ideas, entitled "SQL-like way to manipulate
> Python data structures":
> In the thread, I don't really make a proposal, so much
> as a problem statement, but my radical idea is that
> lists of dictionaries fit the relational model
> perfectly, so why not allow some kind of native SQL
> syntax in Python that allows you to manipulate those
> data structures more naturally?




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