special_dragonfly a écrit :
> I've managed to solve the problem, I really was just being a dunce. Here's 
> how incase anyone is wondering:
> class MyClass:
>     def __init__(self):
>         name=""
> dict={}
> dict[0]=[]
> dict[0].append(MyClass())
> dict[0][0].name="Hello"
> print dict[0][0].name
> I'm sorry if I've wasted anyones time, although if there's a better way of 
> doing the above I'd still be interested to know.

# unless you need pre 2.3.x compat, better to use newstyle classes
class MyClass(object):
   # use the initializer to initialize your instance
   def __init__(self, name=''):
     # the use of 'self' is mandatory, else you only have a local var
     self.name = name

# don't use builtin names as identifiers - unless you really want to
# shadow the builtins
d = {0:[MyClass('hello')}
d.setdefault(1, []).append(MyClass('Yo'))
print d


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