"Bruno Desthuilliers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> special_dragonfly a écrit :
> (snip)
>> I've managed to solve the problem, I really was just being a dunce. 
>> Here's how incase anyone is wondering:
>> class MyClass:
>>     def __init__(self):
>>         name=""
>> dict={}
>> dict[0]=[]
>> dict[0].append(MyClass())
>> dict[0][0].name="Hello"
>> print dict[0][0].name
>> I'm sorry if I've wasted anyones time, although if there's a better way 
>> of doing the above I'd still be interested to know.
> # unless you need pre 2.3.x compat, better to use newstyle classes
> class MyClass(object):
>   # use the initializer to initialize your instance
>   def __init__(self, name=''):
>     # the use of 'self' is mandatory, else you only have a local var
>     self.name = name
> # don't use builtin names as identifiers - unless you really want to
> # shadow the builtins
> d = {0:[MyClass('hello')}
> d[0].append(MyClass('goodbye'))
> d.setdefault(1, []).append(MyClass('Yo'))
> print d

To answer first Bjoern:
I have a dictionary and a class. The dictionary needs to be filled with 
multiple instances of the class, with multiple instances per key. Currently 
a lot of the dictionaries that are going into the program are hard coded 
because they're just 1:1 mappings, in this case though it was a many:1 
mapping and so I got a little stumped. I couldn't hard coded the mappings, 
so I then needed to find a way of doing it dynamically. I'm now reading data 
from a file containing the data for the class, and am now able to put that 
data into a dictionary.

I'm quite new to programming large things, and previous experience has only 
been in C and C++, so I'm also trying to get an idea of good programming 
practises. Other people are going to need to use this program, I need it to 
be... correct... should someone need to alter it. So loads of documentation, 
and meaningful variable names, but it's also experience that I'm lacking. Is 
there a better way of doing such-and-such, or is it sensible to do it this 

The code above does what I need, thank you Bruno. I can understand that my 
code is right there next to useless when trying to describe what I need to 
Were I doing this in C, I would be creating a 2D array of structures, at 
least... I believe that's how it would look.

Thank you for your help, all of you.


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