Steve Holden wrote:

> You remind me of the conversation between the philosopher and an 
> attractive lady whom he was seated next to at dinner. He asked her if 
> she would sleep with him for a million dollars, to which she readily 
> agreed. So he followed this by asking her if she'd sleep with him for a 
> dollar. She replied: "No. Do you take me for a prostitutte?", to which 
> his riposte was "We have already established that fact, and are now 
> merely haggling about the price".

I've seen this before, and it is witty.

However, it is perhaps unfair towards the woman.  The man, after all, is 
someone who has offered a woman money in return for sex.

The whole story reads differently if we replace 'philosopher' by 'man' 
and 'attractive lady' by 'woman'.



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