> Hello, I'm a teen trying to do my part in improving the world, and me
> and my pal came up with some concepts to improve the transportation
> system.
> I have googled up and down for examples of using python to create a
> city street but I can not find any.


"""Automobile traffic has a very extensive body of literature involving 
simulation. Most people in the industrialized world deal with automobile 
on a daily basis, and many studies are funded annually to alleviate existing or 
potential traffic problems. Several academic journals are dedicated exclusively 
to automobile traffic dynamics, new textbooks on the subject are published 
regularly, and the number of articles published each year dealing with 
automobile traffic number in the hundreds.

while they may not be in Python, I'm sure you can find modeling systems to do a 
you want to do for far less effort than it would take to re-create them from 

Speech-recognition in use.  It makes mistakes, I correct some.

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