> my objective is to replicate a section of los angeles using python,
> and program the street lights and cars and whatnot. Should I be
> looking towards 3D to do this?
> so here is MY question:
> how would you replicate a street intersection in python? and
> furthermore, how would you do you have the cars move up and down those
> "streets".
> my question to YOU is:
> can you point me in the right direction? I will search on my own, but
> I would greatly appreciate any help :)

If you do want to do this in 3-D, try out VPython.  More than any other
3-D system I've seen, it allows you to concentrate more on your problem,
and let it handle most of the 3-D rendering calculations as you are
learning how to use it.

-Scott David Daniels


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