It is somehow related with c++ and python.

I've tried below code (Setting pythonpath environment variable)
and then initialize python interpreter but the embedded python interpreter
did not get the newly assigned PYTHONPATH.
I ve looked at the sys.path in python code (that is run by the embedded
interpreter) and it behaved according to older pythonpath.

Setting environment variable seemed to be correct.
Does py_initialize run in another thread so it starts before setting the
environment var?

// add custom plib.zip archive to pythonpath





else ::putenv("PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;.\\plib.zip");

std::cout <<
"PYTHONPath Set to: " << ::getenv("PYTHONPATH") << std::endl << "And Again:

system("echo %PYTHONPATH%");


Sorry for asking it twice.


Furkan Kuru

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