On 3/26/08, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> En Tue, 25 Mar 2008 20:38:39 -0300, Furkan Kuru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> escribió:
> > Actually, I do not want any .py or .pyc files around my executable.
> > (including userdict, sys, site etc)
> > I want to have just single zip file for all python files.
> Putting all of them into pythonNN.zip (NN depending on the Python version
> in use) should be enough, but I've never tried it.

 I had already tried putting all of them into pythonNN.zip but I had to copy
it to the place
where sys.path points in my case it was windows\system32\python25.zip

> I had a look at py2exe source codes but could not figure out how it just
> > looks into a zip file.
> Standard Python already supports having zip files in sys.path (using the
> builtin zipimport module), you don't have to do anything special to enable
> that (apart from building with the required dependencies, like zlib, of
> course)

yes I know but I do not want "any" py or pyc file. I would still need
dict.pyc, sys.pyc, site.pyc etc. files for py_initialize.

> So maybe I have to compile the svn version of python.
> After renaming the directory where Python 2.5 were installed, my
> test25.exe program (the one compiled using Python 2.5.1) worked fine. So
> it looks like it is something with how the "python home" is searched.

Ok then changing or deleting pythonhome environment variable may fix the


Anyway, as I said earlier, you don't have to play with PYTHONPATH; just
> add any required directory to sys.path at runtime.
> --
> Gabriel Genellina
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Furkan Kuru

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