Actually, I do not want any .py or .pyc files around my executable.
(including userdict, sys, site etc)
I want to have just single zip file for all python files.

I had a look at py2exe source codes but could not figure out how it just
looks into a zip file.

So maybe I have to compile the svn version of python.

On 3/26/08, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Furkan Kuru <furkankuru <at>> writes:
> > I've tried below code (Setting pythonpath environment variable)
> > and then initialize python interpreter but the embedded python
> interpreter
> did not get the newly assigned PYTHONPATH.
> > I ve looked at the sys.path in python code (that is run by the embedded
> interpreter) and it behaved according to older pythonpath.
> Note that you don't HAVE to set the environment variable PYTHONPATH, there
> are
> other ways to get directories listed in sys.path - and that is what really
> counts.
> The simplest way is to just write code to insert the desired directories
> in
> front of sys.path, after the call to Py_Initialize. The only problem is
> that
> some modules (like site and sitecustomize) are searched and executed
> before
> your code has a chance to modify sys.path - I hope it's not a problem for
> you.
> > Setting environment variable seemed to be correct.
> > Does py_initialize run in another thread so it starts before setting the
> environment var?
> I could reproduce the problem with a smaller code (using C, not C++).
> Testing
> with Python 2.5.1 doesn't work (that means, it ignores the new setting for
> PYTHONPATH). Testing with current Python trunk (from svn) *does* work. I
> don't
> know if this is a bug that has been fixed, or it works that way because
> the
> svn version is not the default installation and then searches for things
> in a
> different way.
> #include <Python.h>
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
> putenv("PYTHONPATH=C:\\TEMP\\MF");
> system("set PYTHONPATH");
> Py_Initialize();
> PyRun_SimpleString("import sys\nprint sys.path");
> Py_Finalize();
> return 0;
> }
> I compiled twice with these commands:
> cl -MD -Ic:\apps\python25\include test.c c:\apps\python25
> \Libs\Python25.lib /Fetest25.exe
> cl -MD -Ic:\apps\python\trunk\PC -Ic:\apps\python\trunk\include test.c
> c:\apps\python\trunk\PCbuild\Python26.lib /Fetest26.exe
> Python25.dll and Python26.dll both were copied into the current directory.
> test25.exe:
> ['C:\\Apps\\Python25\\lib\\site-packages\\setuptools-0.6c5-
> py2.5.egg', 'C:\\Apps\\Python25\\lib\\site-packages\\
> simplejson-1.7.1-py2.5-win32.egg',
> ... many directories, not including C:\TEMP\MF ... ]
> test26.exe:
> 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
> ['C:\\TEMP\\MF', 'C:\\TEMP\\', '', 'C:\\TEMP']
> I don't understand how the test program, compiled for 2.5.1, could
> actually
> locate the Python directory. (It's not in my PATH, it's not the default
> install directory, and I deleted the HKLM\Software\Python\PythonCore\2.5
> registry key).
> --
> Gabriel Genellina
> --

Furkan Kuru

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