On 20 апр, 04:10, George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 18, 9:36 pm, Ross Ridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Ross Ridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > > If you have Python 2.5, here's a faster version:
> > >    from struct import *
> > >    unpack_i32be = Struct(">l").unpack
> > >    def from3Bytes_ross2(s):
> > >        return unpack_i32be(s + "\0")[0] >> 8
> > Bob Greschke  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > That's not even intelligible.  I wanna go back to COBOL. :)
> > It's the same as the previous version except that it "precompiles"
> > the struct.unpack() format string.  It works similar to the way Python
> > handles regular expressions.
> I didn't know about the Struct class; pretty neat. It's amazing that
> this version without Psyco is as fast Bob's version with Psyco! Adding
> Psyco to it though makes it *slower*, not faster. So here's how I'd
> write it (if I wanted or had to stay in pure Python):
> try: import psyco
> except ImportError:
>     from struct import Struct
>     unpack_i32be = Struct(">l").unpack
>     def from3Bytes(s):
>         return unpack_i32be(s + "\0")[0] >> 8
> else:
>     def from3Bytes(s):
>         Value = (ord(s[0])<<16) + (ord(s[1])<<8) + ord(s[2])
>         if Value >= 0x800000:
>             Value -= 0x1000000
>         return Value
>     psyco.bind(from3Bytes)
> HTH,
> George

I was able to get even faster pure-python version using array module:

a = array.array('l', ''.join(('\0' + s[i:i+3] for i in xrange(0,
len(s), 3))))
if sys.byteorder == 'little':

It actually moves bytes around on C level.

test code:
import struct
import array
import sys

unpack_i32be = struct.Struct(">l").unpack
s = ''.join(struct.pack('>i', 1234567)[1:]*1000)

def from3bytes_ord(s):
    values = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(s), 3):
        Value = (ord(s[i])<<16) | (ord(s[i+1])<<8) | ord(s[i+2])
        if Value >= 0x800000:
            Value -= 0x1000000
    return values

def from3bytes_struct(s):
    return [unpack_i32be(s[i:i+3] + "\0")[0] >> 8 for i in xrange(0,
len(s), 3)]

def from3bytes_array(s):
    a = array.array('l', ''.join(('\0' + s[i:i+3] for i in xrange(0,
len(s), 3))))
    if sys.byteorder == 'little':
    return a.tolist()

from timeit import Timer

t1 = Timer("from3bytes_ord(s)", "from __main__ import s,
t2 = Timer("from3bytes_struct(s)", "from __main__ import s,
t3 = Timer("from3bytes_array(s)", "from __main__ import s,

print 'ord:\t', t1.timeit(1000)
print 'struct:\t', t2.timeit(1000)
print 'array:\t', t3.timeit(1000)

ord:    7.08213110884
struct: 3.7689164405
array:  2.62995268952

Inspired by Guido's essay http://www.python.org/doc/essays/list2str/

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