Marlin Rowley wrote:
I'm getting different floating point values when I use numpy vs. unpack(). frgba = numpy.frombuffer(<string of bytes>, dtype=float32)
buffer = unpack("!f", byte)
frgba[0] != buffer[0] why? This is forcing me use the unpack() function since it's giving me the correct values. What am I doing wrong?

Endianness, perhaps? '!' specifies big-endian data (an alias for '>'). Most likely, you are on a little-endian platform. All of the dtypes in numpy default to the native-endianness unless specified. If you want to read big-endian data using numpy, do this:

  frgba = numpy.frombuffer(<string of bytes>, dtype='>f')

If you have any more problems with numpy, please join us on the numpy mailing list. When reporting problems, please try to provide a small but complete snippet of self-contained code, the output that you got, and explain the output that you expected to get. Thank you.

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco


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