Ok.  Here's the deal.. 
I've gathered a string of bytes that are turned into floats and stored in an 
array of floats.
The stream gives me color channels represented in bytes.
stream = 
the number of r's,g's,b's in one consecutive pattern represent the width of a 
bitmap.  The number of times the pattern (rgba) is repeated gives the height of 
the bitmap.  I must first convert these bytes into floats.  The rgba represents 
floating point values for each of the pixel components.  I've gotten that far.
Now I have an array of individual floats with that pattern.  I need to:
1) pull out the alphas from this float list.
2) reshape this float list so that I have an array that seperates the repeated 
pattern into a height of this bitmap: 
rrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggbbbbbbbbb [0] - first pattern
rrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggbbbbbbbbb [height-1] - last pattern
3) then I need to reverse this array so that height-1 is the first element in 
my new array:
rrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggbbbbbbbbb [height-1]
rrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggbbbbbbbbb [0]
since wx.Python reverses the y-axis in a bitmap
4) Then I need to make the pattern another pattern:
rrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggbbbbbbbbb ---> needs to become ---> rgbrgbrgb.... 
starting at [height-1] (my first pattern in my new array).
5) Then I need to flatten the array to one continuous array of floats:
rgbrgbrgbrgb[from height-1]............rgbrgbrgb[height = 0]
this is my final array to be drawn on the screen!

> To: python-list@python.org> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: 
> numpy.frombuffer != unpack() ??> Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 18:50:38 -0500> > 
> Marlin Rowley wrote:> > All:> > > > Say I have an array:> > > > a = 
> (['rrrrggggbbbbaaaa'],['rrrrggggbbbbaaaa'])> > I'm sorry, you are going to 
> have to be less elliptical. Exactly what do you have > there? It's certainly 
> not an array, but a tuple of single-element lists each > containing a single 
> string which can be interpreted as a group of 4 IEEE-754 > single-precision 
> floats. Is this correct? Do you really have single-element > lists? Some more 
> context would be nice (can the tuple be longer? can the lists > be longer? 
> can the strings be longer? etc.).> > But basically, I would concatenate all 
> of the strings together in the correct > order and use numpy.fromstring() on 
> the resulting string.> > And please, just respond to the list. I read this 
> through GMane, and I don't > like getting duplicates in my in-box.> > -- > 
> Robert Kern> > "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a 
> harmless enigma> that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it 
> as though it had> an underlying truth."> -- Umberto Eco> > --> 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
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