On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 10:50 PM, Russ P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 2, 6:41 am, Carl Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You are not realizing that only useful(**) thing about data hiding is
>> that some code has access to the data, other code does not.  If you
>> "hide" data equally from everyone it's just a useless spelling change.
> I think you're missing the point.
> As I see it, the primary value of data hiding is that it provides
> useful information on which data and methods are intended for the
> client and which are intended for internal use. It's like putting a
> front panel on a TV set with the main controls intended for the
> viewer.

Here's my two cents. First of all, a TV is a bad analogy compared to
reusable software libraries. Really bad analogy. A TV is a horribly
complicated device which has to be dumbed down because otherwise it
would be to hard to use for ordinary people.

A software developers relation to a third party library is more
similar to a TV repair man trying to repair a TV than to a random
person watching TV. For a repair man, the front panel is just useless
and in the way.

Oh, and to continue on the TV analogy, one of the reason why a TV is
complicated is because its interface is totally different from its
implementation. Channels are just a bad abstraction for tuning the
receiver to different frequencies and for switching inputs. Merely
using a TV doesn't teach you anything about how it actually works.

KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid. And it is always simpler to not implement
the gunk needed for data hiding than to do it. By keeping things
simple you keep your code easy to implement, easy to understand and
easy to reuse.

Data hiding sacrifices implementation simplicity supposedly to make
the interface simpler and to keep backwards compatibility. It allows
you to change implementation details without affecting the
interface. But do you really want to do that? Consider this silly Java

    class Foo {
        private int bar;
        public int getBar() {
            return bar;

Then for some reason you decide that hm, "bar" is not a good attribute
name so you change it to "babar". And you can do that without changing
the public interface! Woho! So now you have a public getter named
"getBar" that returns an attribute named "babar". That's in reality
just bad and whoever is maintaining the implementation is going to be
annoyed that the getters name doesn't match the attribute name.

What would have happened without data hiding? Renaming the public
attribute "bar" to "babar" probably cause some grief for someone
reusing your library, but you would keep your implementation pure.

What about semantic changes? Data hiding doesn't protect you against
that, so you'll have to change your interface anyway. The interface
for a car hasn't changed much in the last 100 years, but the
implementation has. How easy is it to repair a car nowadays compared
to 30 years ago?

And data hiding as a documentation aid is just a sham. "These methods
are public so you can call them, these aren't so hands off!" A reuser
of your library *will* want to know what happens on the inside, by
trying to make stuff impossible to reach you are just making that kind
of information much harder to come by.

The better method is to just write proper docstrings that tell the
user what the methods do and when they can be called.

Another good way to see how useless data hiding is, is to try and unit
test a very encapsulated library. You'll see that it is almost
impossible to write good unit tests unless you publicly export
almost everything in the code. At which point you come to realize that
all the data hiding was for naught.

mvh Björn

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