On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Andy O'Meara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another great post, Glenn!!  Very well laid-out and posed!! Thanks for
> taking the time to lay all that out.
>> Questions for Andy: is the type of work you want to do in independent
>> threads mostly pure Python? Or with libraries that you can control to
>> some extent? Are those libraries reentrant? Could they be made
>> reentrant? How much of the Python standard library would need to be
>> available in reentrant mode to provide useful functionality for those
>> threads? I think you want PyC
> I think you've defined everything perfectly, and you're you're of
> course correct about my love for for the PyC model.  :^)
> Like any software that's meant to be used without restrictions, our
> code and frameworks always use a context object pattern so that
> there's never and non-const global/shared data).  I would go as far to
> say that this is the case with more performance-oriented software than
> you may think since it's usually a given for us to have to be parallel
> friendly in as many ways as possible.  Perhaps Patrick can back me up
> there.

And I will.

> As to what modules are "essential"...  As you point out, once
> reentrant module implementations caught on in PyC or hybrid world, I
> think we'd start to see real effort to whip them into compliance--
> there's just so much to be gained imho.  But to answer the question,
> there's the obvious ones (operator, math, etc), string/buffer
> processing (string, re), C bridge stuff (struct, array), and OS basics
> (time, file system, etc).  Nice-to-haves would be buffer and image
> decompression (zlib, libpng, etc), crypto modules, and xml. As far as
> I can imagine, I have to believe all of these modules already contain
> little, if any, global data, so I have to believe they'd be super easy
> to make "PyC happy".  Patrick, what would you see you guys using?

We don't need anything :) Since our goal is just to use python as a
scripting language/engine to our MIDI application, all we really need
is to make calls to the api that we expose using __builtins__.

You know, the standard python library is pretty siiiiiick, but the
syntax, object model, and import mechanics of python itself is an
**equally exportable function** of the code. Funny that I'm lucky
enough to say:

"Screw the extension modules - I just want the LANGUAGE". But, I can't have it.

>> > That's the rub...  In our case, we're doing image and video
>> > manipulation--stuff not good to be messaging from address space to
>> > address space.  The same argument holds for numerical processing with
>> > large data sets.  The workers handing back huge data sets via
>> > messaging isn't very attractive.
>> In the module multiprocessing environment could you not use shared
>> memory, then, for the large shared data items?
> As I understand things, the multiprocessing puts stuff in a child
> process (i.e. a separate address space), so the only to get stuff to/
> from it is via IPC, which can include a shared/mapped memory region.
> Unfortunately, a shared address region doesn't work when you have
> large and opaque objects (e.g. a rendered CoreVideo movie in the
> QuickTime API or 300 megs of audio data that just went through a
> DSP).  Then you've got the hit of serialization if you're got
> intricate data structures (that would normally would need to be
> serialized, such as a hashtable or something).  Also, if I may speak
> for commercial developers out there who are just looking to get the
> job done without new code, it's usually always preferable to just a
> single high level sync object (for when the job is complete) than to
> start a child processes and use IPC.  The former is just WAY less
> code, plain and simple.
> Andy
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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