Kenneth Tilton <> writes:

> Richard Riley wrote:
>> Jason Rumney <> writes:
>>> On Jan 1, 3:12 pm, r <> wrote:
>>>> The man lives in a world driven by common sense
>>> "Common" sense suggests that his views are shared among the general
>>> populace. I don't see much evidence of that in the sometimes never-
>>> ending threads that frequently follow his postings. But it is good to
>>> start debates about making changes to the status quo, often the
>>> debates will result in worthwhile changes, even if those changes are
>>> not what he proposed. I just wish he would choose his venue a little
>>> more carefully sometimes.
>> I find that with Xah's posts people argue the man and not his
>> points. 
> Precisely, and thus they are the trolls: few of them trim followups,
> and all of them try to sound funny or clever in their attacks. Xah has
> something to say about technology, like what he says or not. His
> attackers just see an open mike and want to hear the sound of their
> own voice, which I certainly understand.
> And before anyone goes for that old argument from self-reference, the
> madding crowd succeeded once in their harrassment of The Xah so
> remaining silent is no option.
> p,k

It's good to see I am not alone in my views on some of the more
aggressive posters who seem to take delight in attacking Xah Lee. I was
wondering if I had backed myself into a corner with no chance of escape
for a moment. I found the comments on his elisp tutorial and reference
particularly offensive and destructive considering I know it to be of at
least some use as I referred to it quite a bit when trying some basic

 important and urgent problems of the technology of today are no longer the 
satisfactions of the primary needs or of archetypal wishes, but the reparation 
of the evils and damages by the technology of yesterday.  ~Dennis Gabor, 
Innovations:  Scientific, Technological and Social, 1970

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