Derek Martin a écrit :
On Fri, Jan 02, 2009 at 09:05:51PM +0100, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
Python seems rather weird, and I think from the frequency
with which these discussions occur on this list, clearly it *IS*
difficult for a neophyte Python programmer to understand the
assignment model.
Took me about half an hour to grasp, not even being "CS grad" (nor whathever "grad" FWIW). By that time, I had a couple monthes working experience with VB, and had learned (but never seriously used) bits of C, C++, Java and Pascal.

It took me about a half a second to grasp the "named bins" concept --

Oh yes ? With all it's implications ? Fine, you're way smarter than I'm - or, as it seems, you were much more experimented and CS-litterate that I was by that time.

But that was not the point. What I meant is that a concept that takes less than an hour to grasp for a newbie self-taught programmer with no previous exposure to the concept should by no mean be a problem for a CS graduate.


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