Terry Reedy wrote:
Joe Strout wrote:

That's not necessarily true.  If you have

  a = "par" + "rot"
  b = "parrot"

then, most likely (though it depends on how clever the compiler optimizations are), there are two different string objects containing the data "parrot".

 >>> a='par'+'rot'
 >>> b='parrot'
 >>> a is b

One exactly doesn't really say much. It's implementation dependent, and depends on the length of the string:

>>> a = 'this is a much longer ' + 'parrot'
>>> b = 'this is a much longer parrot'
>>> a is b

In practice, tests like these are pretty much never useful. It's completely implementation dependent when and under what circumstances fundamental immutable objects are reused, and it's not useful anyway; what you care about is whether two objects are equal or not, not whether they're the same object through some optimization behind the scenes.

Erik Max Francis && m...@alcyone.com && http://www.alcyone.com/max/
 San Jose, CA, USA && 37 18 N 121 57 W && AIM, Y!M erikmaxfrancis
  All delays are dangerous in war.
   -- John Dryden, 1631-1700

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