On Mar 26, 9:59 pm, lkcl <luke.leigh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> folks, hi,
> a number of people using pyjamas are not only encountering
> difficulties with setup.py endeavouring to download and install
> "setuptools" but also they are ... the best word to use is
> unfortunately "offended" - by the fact that distutils, in its default
> configuration, downloads and even _compiles_ its dependencies -
> *without consent*.

distutils is *not* involved.

Here are all of the imports in your setup.py:

import glob
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
from setuptools.command import test
from setuptools.command.install import install
import sys
import os
from pprint import pprint

A distutils setup.py will be an elaboration on this example from the

from distutils.core import setup

See that "from distutils.core import setup"? See anything like that in
your setup.py?

Whatever is happening, don't blame distutils -- it's absolutely
nothing to do with distutils. *You* are using a setup.py that calls
setuptools, which is a quite different distribution method. Have you
read the setuptools documentation? Didn't you *test* your setup.py
before making it available to the world?

> a copy of the setup.py can be found 
> here:http://pyjamas.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pyjamas/trunk/setup.py
> this alarming situation has shown to occur on windows, ubuntu and
> debian.  personally, i used setup.py to install pyjamas on a debian
> system: as i happened not to have python-setuptools installed, i was
> alarmed to find that setup.py, thanks to distutils, was not only
> downloading but also attempting to _compile_ setuptools.  fortunately,
> the compile actually failed.

What is so gut-wrenchingly awful about "compile" that you must
underline its every occurrence?

> windows users have also reported similar failures (presumably because
> the do not have a suitable build environment, involving downloading
> and installing a proprietary c compiler) and have also expressed their
> displeasure at not being consulted as to which bits of software are
> going to get thrown onto their system without their permission.
> so it should be fairly clear as to why it is unacceptable for this to
> occur.
> the question is: how can it be stopped?  what option, in distutils
> "terminology", tells distutils "please simply tells users that a
> package is missing, providing them with sufficient information such
> that they can rectify the missing dependency in a manner which is
> satisfactory _to them_?

Try reading the *setuptools* documentation.


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