En Thu, 26 Mar 2009 07:59:15 -0300, lkcl <luke.leigh...@googlemail.com> escribió:

a number of people using pyjamas are not only encountering
difficulties with setup.py endeavouring to download and install
"setuptools" but also they are ... the best word to use is
unfortunately "offended" - by the fact that distutils, in its default
configuration, downloads and even _compiles_ its dependencies -
*without consent*.

a copy of the setup.py can be found here:

distutils doesn't attempt to download *anything*. You're confusing it with setuptools and easy_install, which is a different beast. Your setup.py seems overly complicated to me. For a pure Python package, setup.py looks like this:

from distutils.core import setup
setup(name='Foo package',
      description='My fine foo package',

Two statements, nothing more. To include an extension module bar.c:

      ext_modules=[Extension('bar', ['bar.c', 'other.c'])],

See http://docs.python.org/distutils/index.html

Gabriel Genellina


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