Maxim Kasimov wrote:
uuuuf..., i don't requesting that "goto" was available in next versions of python, but i'm saying if it will be so, it will be easy and quickly
> _debug_ some skripts, _not only_ for commenting

Then we go right back to Simon Brunning's question for
you: "How does goto help you to remove bugs?"

Maxim, nobody is really saying that *you* cannot have
found goto useful in debugging (though we're curious
for a real example, rather than just rhetoric).  What
most people are saying (roughly) is that after writing
tens (or hundreds) of thousands of lines of code, we
cannot think of examples where the value of "goto",
for debugging or otherwise, outweighs the incredible
damage it does to the structure and (thus) readability
of code.  And keep in mind that many of us were raised
on languages like BASIC and yet we've learned, improved,
and moved on to the point where we fully understand the
perceived value of GOTO in the mind of a newbie, but
remain unconvinced that even (or especially!) for a newbie
it is a good idea to have it available.

So far, nobody on the "use goto!" side of the fence has
presented arguments that haven't already been shot down
dozens of times in this newsgroup and elsewhere.  Of
course, we should all take this hint as a reminder that
this is a "religious" issue and that this particular
thread is not going to settle it once and for all.


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