Jochen Schulz wrote:
abhishek goswami:
Can anyone Guide me that Python is Oject oriented programming language
or Script language

In my opinion, Python is both. But an "objective" answer would require
you to define what you means by these terms.

If, by "object-oriented" you mean "everything has to be put into
classes", then Python is not object-oriented. If, by "scripting
language" you mean Python is an error-prone toy language, unsuitable for
large, serious projects, then Python is not a scripting language either.


IMHO Python is an programming environment where you can chose the right approach for your particular problem. Because it seems to favour clarity over classification purity, it can not be so easily defined. This approach should be fine for everybody unless you are the type that insist on using one approach because in theory it should be suitable for everything.

'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'

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