On Jun 17, 7:38 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant <jeanmic...@sequans.com>
> abhishek goswami wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have very basic question about Python that do we consider pyhton as
> > script language.
> > I searched in google but it becomes more confusion for me. After some
> > analysis I came to know that Python support oops .
> > Can anyone Guide me that Python is Oject oriented programming language
> > or Script language
> > Abhishek Goswami
> > Chennai
> > Phone No -0996227099
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Depends on what you are calling a scripting language.
> Refering to wikipedia,
> "A *scripting language*, *script language* or *extension language* is a
> programming language <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_language>
> that allows some control of a single or many software application(s)
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_software>."
> Python is definitely OOP oriented and I don't think it fits in the
> script definition above.
> Python is interpreted and platform independent, but you can still build
> standalone platform dependent binaries if required.
> Regarding your last question, I'm not sure scripting and OOP language
> are not compatible, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find OOP scripting
> language.
> Jean-Michel

I'm not the only one that thinks that Java is a joke, though I provoke
flaming, and do not know it fluently.  It's all big words and

To quote my favorite t.v. show, 'You imply disparity where none
exists.'  You're trying to 'pigeon-hole', where the subjects are
fairly complex, even though not ultimately continuous, but still not
binary.  You might as well be asking whether it's rainy or sunny out.
Even day and night only account for 22-23 hours out of our day.

Speaking of big words, programming languages vary in a number of
dimensions.  Regardless of what surface you use to divide the space,
you'll have data points which aren't quite intuitively aligned with
the rest of their category; not to shirk the burden of proof.  The
high complexity of Python blurs the partition.  You might give it a
center, and some membership density function that decreases with the
distance from it, like the volume of a loudspeaker.  I'm not sure
whether you would define these from use data, or something more a
priori.  The former doesn't require as much contortion.  Some have
proposed the same tactic for culture division and nation borders,
incidentally, as one 'compromization' tactic; that is, to 'fuzzily'
classify regions, and languages likewise.  It would make Python, say
10% appropriate for scripting, and 90% object-oriented, just as 10% of
'our' police comes from, and 10% of our taxes goes to Sweden.
However, you've never heard of a 70% Catholic, and further, the
logistics on that formulation don't align quite rightly: it would be
more like, 'we' pay takes to Sweden at 10% of the tax rate at its
capital and anywhere else that only Sweden influences.  Some places of
commerce even accept the kroner too.  That still might not make you be
70% Catholic, but definitely ten people definitely definitely can.

Come to think of it, the percentages don't have to add up to 1, it's
more like Python is 50% appropriate for scripting, and object-oriented
in the high nineties.  I guess I was just trying to be politically
correct, impartial, or otherwise unbiased, though consequently rigid
in the meantime.  Sadly so.

Linguists define distinctions between natural languages by measure of
mutual interpretability.  The two most similar languages out there may
be practically the same; the two most different may not have even any
syntax in common; and the one most different from the one closest to
it may well be Python.  Fancy that!

In this participant's humble opinion, no.  There are better scripting
languages out there.

In his arrogant opinion, no.  It 'sets the curve'.

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