On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 03:50:54 +0100, Dr. Phillip M. Feldman <pfeld...@verizon.net> wrote:

Here's a simple-minded example:

def dumbfunc(xs):
   for x in xs:
      print x

This function works fine if xs is a list of floats, but not if it is single
float.  It can be made to work as follows:

def dumbfunc(xs):
   if isinstance(xs,(int,float,complex)): xs= [xs]
   for x in xs:
      print x

Having to put such extra logic into practically every function is one of the
annoying things about Python.

If you persist in treating <language 1> as if it was <language 2>, then
your code will always be ugly, and often buggy.  Unless we're talking
natural languages, in which case Yoda-like you will sound.

Fundamentally, your problem is your assertion that it is reasonable to
allow users to treat a single object as if it were wrapped in a list.
In Python, it is not reasonable, for the reasons that you are spending
so much time complaining about.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

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