As MRAB described, ALL instance methods need to accept 'self' as a first
parameter, as that will be passed to them implicitly when they are called.
This includes __init__.  The name 'self' is just a commonly accepted
convention for the name of the instance object passed to methods.  You don't
have to call it that, but you really should.

Take a look at
It might help shed some light on how methods and instances work.

One other thing.  I'm a little confused by the first line of

self.init_Pre() and self.init_Exec()

I suspect this does not do what you think it does.  init_Pre and init_Exec
will both be called by this expression (unless init_Pre throws an exception,
of course).  You're not getting anything here that you wouldn't by just
calling each method on a separate line, except just making it harder to


On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 8:53 PM, Simon <> wrote:

> Hi
> So should the dcObject class include the "self" as well since I have
> not defined an __init__ method in dcCursor?
> Simon
> --

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