En Sat, 01 Aug 2009 00:13:05 -0300, Nat Williams <nat.willi...@gmail.com> escribió:

One other thing.  I'm a little confused by the first line of

self.init_Pre() and self.init_Exec()

I suspect this does not do what you think it does. init_Pre and init_Exec will both be called by this expression (unless init_Pre throws an exception,
of course).  You're not getting anything here that you wouldn't by just
calling each method on a separate line, except just making it harder to

Well, perhaps Simon didn't grasp Python's syntax and semantics very well yet, but his code would work as designed after fixing obvious errors:

class dcObject(object):
    """Base Object"""
    def __init__(self):
        """default init method has the form
        of init_Pre() and init_Exec
        self.init_Pre() and self.init_Exec()

    def init_Pre(self):
        """Always called before init_Exec()
        if it returns false init_Exec is
        not executed"""
        return True

    def init_Exec(self):
        """Base __init__ code goes here and this is
        only executed if init_Pre() returns true"""
        return True

    def init_Post(self):
        """Always called after the init_Pre() and
        return True

init_Pre might return False, in that case init_Exec would not be executed. init_Post is always called. And that's exactly what the docstrings say.

I would use an `if` statement instead:
if self.init_Pre(): self.init_Exec()
and make init_Exec and init_Post not return anything if they have no intrinsic meaning. And probably use better names. But basically the structure is OK.

Gabriel Genellina


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