
I would like to use a database through ODCB in my python application. I have Slackware Linux, but I would not mind a portable solution, since python runs on both Unixes and Windows.

I would like a free/open-source solution and the python module for ODBC access that I have found is *pyodbc*, but the problem is it fails to connect to my database with an error like:

>>> conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};Servername=;UID=pikantBlue;Database=pikantBlue')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
pyodbc.Error: ('0', '[0] [nxDC (202) (SQLDriverConnectW)')

Do you know what the problem is ? My database is working and I can connect with *psql -U pikantBlue*, and also my ODBC installation is working and I can connect with *isql pikantBlue*.

From python I can also connect with the *pyodb* module, which is another module for ODBC access, but pyodb does not have query parameters and all the functions in the DB api, it is only meant the be a simple way to acccess ODBC.

Do you know why my *pyodbc* module would not connect, when others will ?
Do you know other modules to use ODBC in python ?

Thank you
Timothy Madden

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