Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
Timothy Madden wrote:
Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
Timothy Madden wrote:
>>> conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};Servername=;UID=pikantBlue;Database=pikantBlue')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

pyodbc.Error: ('0', '[0] [nxDC (202) (SQLDriverConnectW)')

Not sure (i.e. wild guess) but that line makes me think it has something to do with the encoding, is it possible to try a different driver?

Thank you.

Slackware also comes with mysql, I guess I could try to install and register a driver for it in my unixODBC installation.

What about the encoding ? What should I be looking for in this case ?
Indeed when I try
   createdb --encoding=UTF-8 pikantBlue
I get the message that the server's /LC_TYPE settings require encoding to be LATIN1/. What should I do about it ? Should I have been more careful about the configure options when compiling postgresql ? I also tried pyodbc on Ubuntu with the database installed with apt-get and I still get the same problem.

Thank you
Timothy Madden

According to this:
You could try the 'PostgreSQL ANSI' driver.

Thank you.

The precompiled driver from apt-get worked on one of the Ubuntu machines that I tried.

I would still like o use the Unicode driver if possible. Do you know what the problem could be ? Or where ? pyodbc/unixODBC/ ?

Thank you,
Timothy Madden

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