rantingrick <rantingr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem is getting a large enough group of Python users to agree
> on anything about GUIs.

No, the problem is it's a lot easier to find fault than it is to
provide a solution. And that maybe, just maybe, other people don't
want to have to do your dirty work for you.

> I don't think the numbers will ever be big
> enough because people are only worried about getting "their preferred"
> GUI into Python.

And in what way is that different from _your_ preference for not-

> People are just too busy to
> get involved. This has to be an executive decision. The powers that be
> must make the change themselves or it will never happen -- i can
> guarantee that!

No. That is _not_ how open source works. This has to be _your_
decision to _do something_. It's your itch, no one else is under any
obligation to scratch it. If it's so obvious to you what is wrong
here, it should be very clear to you how to fix it. Of course, someone
who wasn't labouring under the Dunning-Kruger effect might think that
perhaps the very fact that there are so many GUI libs out there might
indicate that this isn't a readily solved problem space...

Alternatively: how much is this change worth to you? How much are you
willing to pay to see it happen?

> psst, hey Guido, it's time to make your triumphant comeback to c.l.p.
> We are waiting...

You know, you _could_ drop the incessant cult of personality obsession
and rely on yourself to resolve the problems you see....

What gets me is the implicit attitude in some of these posts that it's
just so _obvious_ that something needs to be done and it's simply that
_everyone else_ is either stupid, lazy or biased towards actually
existing code.

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