On 2010-06-17, Bradley Hintze <bradle...@aggiemail.usu.edu> wrote:

> I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge, I really do not know.
> I would guess server but I quite honestly I am not clear what an 'HTTP
> client' or 'HTTP server' refers to. I am running a webpage and am
> serving it locally for the moment. I have a program that is already
> written in Python. I want to make the program available on the web
> where I receive user input from HTML forms. The user input will then
> be used as parameters for the program. I hope this clear things up.

Something that serves a web page is an HTTP server, so it sounds like
your program is going to be run by/in the HTTP server.  There are
many, many different ways to do that.  For starters you need to tell
us what OS you're using and what HTTP server you're using.

Or do you want your program to _be_ an HTTP server?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm having fun
                                  at               HITCHHIKING to CINCINNATI
                              gmail.com            or FAR ROCKAWAY!!

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