On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Bradley Hintze
<bradle...@aggiemail.usu.edu> wrote:
> I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge, I really do not know.
> I would guess server but I quite honestly I am not clear what an 'HTTP
> client' or 'HTTP server' refers to. I am running a webpage and am
> serving it locally for the moment. I have a program that is already
> written in Python. I want to make the program available on the web
> where I receive user input from HTML forms. The user input will then
> be used as parameters for the program. I hope this clear things up.
> Thanks,
> Bradley

HTTP Client = web browser.
HTTP Server = the server,

You'll probably want to use a framework like Django to help you with
this- this is exactly what they were designed to do. What the
frameworks do is let you map URLs to functions. Your form data will
get sent to the server in a POST request, and the framework will hand
that to your function as arguments. Then, your function will generate
the web page (often using a template where you just fill in the
blanks) and send that back to the browser.

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