I am on Mac OSX 10.6, server is apache. If I do get this working we
will move it to the main server which also serves apache, i believe.I
dont think I want a whole new server, I'd like to serve from the
apache framework if possible.

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Grant Edwards <inva...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> On 2010-06-17, Bradley Hintze <bradle...@aggiemail.usu.edu> wrote:
>> I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge, I really do not know.
>> I would guess server but I quite honestly I am not clear what an 'HTTP
>> client' or 'HTTP server' refers to. I am running a webpage and am
>> serving it locally for the moment. I have a program that is already
>> written in Python. I want to make the program available on the web
>> where I receive user input from HTML forms. The user input will then
>> be used as parameters for the program. I hope this clear things up.
> Something that serves a web page is an HTTP server, so it sounds like
> your program is going to be run by/in the HTTP server.  There are
> many, many different ways to do that.  For starters you need to tell
> us what OS you're using and what HTTP server you're using.
> Or do you want your program to _be_ an HTTP server?
> --
> Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm having fun
>                                  at               HITCHHIKING to CINCINNATI
>                              gmail.com            or FAR ROCKAWAY!!
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Bradley J. Hintze
Graduate Student
Duke University
School of Medicine

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