On Jan 19, 9:20 pm, Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All of the python programmers I know (we use python every day at
> work) would say, "what is tkinter?" It's just not relevant to any of
> them that I know.

And that is the very point i am trying to make Micheal! TclTk is SO
old and dated that most people don't even know it exists -- MUCH LESS

> In the meantime they happily crank out code with Django, or PyQt, or
> PyGTK, or even Tkinter--whatever tool is appropriate for the job.

I noticed wxPython did not make your list. Was that conscience or sub-
conscience because i find it hard to believe that none of them use
wxPython... ever. However the REAL point is that they obviously prefer
*anything* except Tkinter and only use Tkinter as a last resort. This
is very interesting Micheal.


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