On 2011-01-20, Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't see the original bizarre rants for some reason (spam filter
> likely), but I have to say this is the most ridiculous thing I've heard
> in some time.  Tkinter the downfall of python?  Wow.  All of the python
> programmers I know (we use python every day at work) would  say, "what
> is tkinter?"  It's just not relevant to any of them that I know.  Google
> probably uses as much Python as anyone, and their programmers would
> probably agree.  Perhaps that's an argument to remove tkinter entirely,
> but not really a good one.
> In the meantime they happily crank out code with Django, or PyQt, or
> PyGTK, or even Tkinter--whatever tool is appropriate for the job.

Tkinter has it's flaws.  For example, the fact that it inclues a Tcl
interpreter inside the black box annoys me because I think Tcl is an
awful, awful language.  That's somewhat irrational, so perhaps that's
my flaw and not Tkinter's.

However, Tkinter is easy to use (especially for simple tasks) and it
_works_.  I wrote a moderatly complex (to me) UI in Tkinter 10+ years
ago.  It still works fine.  I couldn't say that about some wxPython
programs a quarter that old.

> Perhaps a reference to Xah Lee's web site would suffice.


Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! What GOOD is a
                                  at               CARDBOARD suitcase ANYWAY?

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