On Jan 25, 6:14 pm, Emile van Sebille <em...@fenx.com> wrote:
> On 1/25/2011 3:33 PM rantingrick said...
> > Tkinter is old and in many ways insufficient for 21st century GUIs. We
> > need to decide what should come next. I believe wxPython is our best
> > hope. Wx may not be the best it can be, but it is the best we have at
> > this time.
> Then you should immediately volunteer to bring wxPython to python3
> compatibility -- as it is, it's not even close...

Thats the kind of advice i want to hear. Now we are engaging in
positive discussion. Now we (you and I) are acting like fellow members
of the same community. Thank You Emile. With this sort of positive
outlook we can move forward.

But how do "you" feel about wxPython. If "you" had a choice would
"you" volunteer for wxPython and move it towards Python 3 standards?
If not, then what would "you" do. I think we can both agree that there
is room to grow beyond the capabilities of Tkinter.


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