On 1/26/11 1:35 PM, Brendan Simon (eTRIX) wrote:
> Since it seems the python motto is "Batteries included", then it would
> seem to me that wxPython is the natural fit as it also has "Batteries
> included" (e.g. accessibility, native look-n-feel, mature and evolving,
> can produce simple or complex gui programs, etc, etc).

That is not the Python motto.

It is a philosophy which factors into decisions of things to add to the
standard library; but there are other factors as well.

It emphatically doesn't mean to include everything, or even most things.
It means providing broad support for a wide range of common tasks and
generally encourages including mature, best-of-breed modules that emerge
out in the wider ecosystem that are suitable for inclusion.

wxPython is mature: best-of-breed is a long-debated, and its not
suitable for inclusion for various reasons discussed elsewhere.


   Stephen Hansen
   ... Also: Ixokai
   ... Mail: me+list/python (AT) ixokai (DOT) io
   ... Blog: http://meh.ixokai.io/

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