On Jan 27, 1:28 am, "Octavian Rasnita" <orasn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: "Brendan Simon (eTRIX)" <brendan.si...@etrix.com.au>
> > Since it seems the python motto is "Batteries included", then it would
> > seem to me that wxPython is the natural fit as it also has "Batteries
> > included" (e.g. accessibility, native look-n-feel, mature and evolving,
> > can produce simple or complex gui programs, etc, etc).
> Yes Brendan, you are perfectly right, but unfortunately WxPython developers
> don't want to have it included in the stdlib.


> But WxPython is their work and they decision is their.

Actually we don't want "Robins wxPython" in the stdlib "as is" anyway.
What we DO want is an abstraction API for the short term that plugs
into Robin's wx. Then over the long term we will either convince him
to create a better API OR just create our own wxPython directly from
WxWidgets and mold it into the stdlib. So hinging on the argument of
what one *single* man thinks is a non-starter.

We all respect Robin however python is greater then me, then you, and
yes, EVEN Guido van Rossum! Python belongs to the world now. And what
is best for Python's community AS A WHOLE is what we should be
concerned about.


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