On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Littlefield, Tyler <ty...@tysdomain.com> wrote:
> I understood you loud and clear. And that makes a lot of assumptions on my
> game and the design. I don't really care to host this over the web. I want a
> centralized server that would perform the logic, where I can offload the
> playing of sounds (through a soundpack that's already installed) to the
> client-side. Not only that, but a lot of web technologies that would be used
> for this wouldn't really work, as I am doing this for the blind; Flash as
> well as a lot of the popular setups are not very accessible.

Funny you should mention this "now" :)
I happen to be blind myself.

Yes I agree Flash is not very accessible (never has been).

Web Standards web apps and such however are quite


-- James Mills
-- "Problems are solved by method"

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