On Fri, 15 Jun 2012, Alexander Blinne wrote:

> How do Haskell or Scheme determine when elements are not longer needed?

Just like Python, they use garbage collection - in one sentence, if it can 
be proved the object (not a OO-object, just a piece of data) will no 
longer be needed, it can be safely deleted - and the code will work as if 
nothing happened, because the proof said it won't need this data in the 
future (so you need a right proving technique).

Now, the difference is, Scheme (and Lisps AFAIK) and Haskell (and those 
functional langs I heard of) posess one neat data type, linked list. They 
also allow for tail-call recursion, which - if one organises one's code 
properly - means infinite recursion, if one needs it. Some problems are 
expressed in an elegant and natural manner as linked lists (head to be 
processed now and rest/tail to be processed later). Such linked lists are 
ideal fit for tail-call recursion - you process a head and recurse with 
results and tail in place of original list (thus becoming a next level 
head+tail list). If no other piece of code stores your current head in a 
variable (simply speaking), it can be proven that head is no longer 
needed. Once you call your function recursively, head is waiting to be 
GC-ed. Your code does not need to worry about this.

Last time I checked, Python didn't have linked lists - arrayed lists are 
nice, but their elements can't be automatically GC-ed (or, this requires 
very nontrivial GC algorithm), the easiest way I can think would be 
replacing them with None manually. I'm not sure if del is 

Also, around the same time, Python couldn't do tail-call, so the whole 
point of having linked lists was kind of theoretical.

Even more cool, with lazy evaluation (like in Haskell) one can generate 
lists on a fly and process them like they were statically allocated. Say, 
you only have a 2GB of ram but would like to process 128GB of list, 
generated ad hoc as your program runs? Like, counting all even numbers 
less than 2**39 - this is trivial, I know (2**38), but you could run such 
code with 2GB of ram. Your code processes head and when it recurses with 
tail, the new head (next number) is generated, so it can be processed. And 
so on. And thanks to lazy evaluation, you don't need to think about it, 
this is the job of compiler to organize your program in such way.

Yes, you could also run it in a loop or simulate lazy-eval manually (with 
yield) but the point here is you can have more choice for your algorithm 
with some languages and in some other languages (Ruby belongs here, too, 
AFAIK) you don't use recursion (too much) even if you'd like to.

Myself, I love more choice, but of course everybody can have his own 

Tomasz Rola

** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.      **
** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home    **
** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...      **
**                                                                 **
** Tomasz Rola          mailto:tomasz_r...@bigfoot.com             **

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