On 6/15/2012 1:03 PM, Tomasz Rola wrote:

Last time I checked, Python didn't have linked lists - arrayed lists are
nice, but their elements can't be automatically GC-ed (or, this requires
very nontrivial GC algorithm), the easiest way I can think would be
replacing them with None manually. I'm not sure if del is

Python does not come with a linked-list class, but one can easily use tuples or lists with two items as linked-list cells. One can optionally wrap such cell in a linked-list class. However, if array lists do the job, which they usually do, using linked-lists will take more time and space. The problem being discussed may be a case where they are useful and make it easier to save space.

Also, around the same time, Python couldn't do tail-call,

Nonsense. A tail call is a call temporally followed by a return. In CPython bytecode, it would be a call followed by return. In Python code, it is a call spatially preceded by 'return'. Any "return f(whatever)", a common operation is a tail call.

I presume you actually mean that CPython does not automatically convert tail calls into local assignments and a jump to reuse the existing execution frame instead of a new one. True. A Python interpreter could easily detect all tail calls at either compilation or execution, but such conversions would erase call history, leaving gaps in exception tracebacks and make debugging harder. Depending on your viewpoint, such conversion might be considered a semantic change.

Selectively converting recursive tail calls has specific problems that have been discussed on other threads, and it would *still* erase the call history that one might need to debug. If you do branching recursion, as with a tree, and there is an unexpected exception, you most likely really do want to see the complete call path leading up to the exception. In addition, it is a feature that non-terminating recursions such as "def forever(): return forever()" get stopped.

In any case, a properly written linear tail-recursive function is, usually, easily converted to an explicit while loop. So if you want within-frame looping, write it explicitly. To illustrate one general pattern:

def tail_rec(a, b=start): # use default arg to avoid nesting
  if should_loop(a, b):
    return tail_rec(A(a,b), B(a,b))
    return term(a, b)

def while_equiv(a, b=start):
  while should_loop(a, b):
    a, b = A(a,b), B(a,b)
    return term(a, b)

In practice, should_loop, A, and B will usually be in-line expressions rather than calls. There may be additional statements after if, else, and while headers. In while_equiv, move b=start into the body. Else is typically omitted from the while version, but I prefer it in the recursive version.

One downside of the space saving is that the history of a,b values is invisible unless one add a debug print statement. Another is that the forever function becomes

def forever():
  while True: pass

and Python will never stop it without intervention.

Even more cool, with lazy evaluation (like in Haskell) one can generate
lists on a fly and process them like they were statically allocated.

Python iterators can do lazy evaluation. All the builtin classes come with a corresponding iterator.

Yes, you could also run it in a loop or simulate lazy-eval manually (with

There is nothing simulated about yield. Python mostly does what you tell it to do. You just have to learn how to tell it to do what you want.

Terry Jan Reedy


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