On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 9:55:16 AM UTC-4, Ben Finney wrote:

>  The tutorial is misleading on this. It it says plainly:
>     A module can contain executable statements as well as function
>     definitions. […] They are executed only the *first* time the module
>     is imported somewhere.
>     <URL:http://docs.python.org/tutorial/modules.html>

That's more than misleading.  It's plain wrong.  The example I gave 
demonstrates the "print __file__" statement getting executed twice.

The footnote to that is wrong too:

> [1]   In fact function definitions are also ‘statements’ that are ‘executed’; 
> the execution of a
> module-level function enters the function name in the module’s global symbol 
> table.

I think what it's supposed to say is "... the execution of a module-level def 
statement ..."

> Care to file a documentation bug <URL:http://bugs.python.org/>
> describing this?

Sure, once I understand how it's really supposed to work :-)


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