On 10/10/2012 16:56, Ramchandra Apte wrote:
On Wednesday, 10 October 2012 18:38:04 UTC+5:30, Roy Smith  wrote:
Public: I hereby declare that this method or attribute is part of the
promised never to change interface of this class.  I might possibly
break that promise at some point in the future, but if I do, you have
the right to bitch and whine about it, and I'm morally obligated to at
least pretend I care.

Private: I hereby declare that this method or attribute is something I
needed to have for my own purposes, and is officially hidden inside my
kimono.  Like all things inside my kimono, you may speculate about their
existence all you want, but you touch them at your own peril.  I may
change them at some point in the future, and while you can bitch and
whine about it all you want, I'm not listening.

Uhum. Language please.

What language? Further the original was readable, your use of CrapMail made life difficult until I stripped the superfluous newlines out. Is it really so awkward to equip yourself with a semi-decent mail reader? Like Thunderbird, hint, hint :)


Mark Lawrence.


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