On 2012-10-10, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> On 10/10/2012 16:56, Ramchandra Apte wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 10 October 2012 18:38:04 UTC+5:30, Roy Smith  wrote:
>>> Public: I hereby declare that this method or attribute is part of the
>>> promised never to change interface of this class.  I might possibly
>>> break that promise at some point in the future, but if I do, you have
>>> the right to bitch and whine about it, and I'm morally obligated to at
>>> least pretend I care.
>>> Private: I hereby declare that this method or attribute is something I
>>> needed to have for my own purposes, and is officially hidden inside my
>>> kimono.  Like all things inside my kimono, you may speculate about their
>>> existence all you want, but you touch them at your own peril.  I may
>>> change them at some point in the future, and while you can bitch and
>>> whine about it all you want, I'm not listening.
>> Uhum. Language please.
> What language?

Perhaps he didn't like the kimono metaphor?

I always though the kimono metaphore as commonly used by MBA/sales
types was a little unseemly (but then most of what those types say is,
regardless of language or metaphor).

> Further the original was readable, your use of CrapMail made life
> difficult until I stripped the superfluous newlines out.  Is it
> really so awkward to equip yourself with a semi-decent mail reader?
> Like Thunderbird, hint, hint :)

You're tilting at windmills.

Just give up and filter out all postings with a messageid ending in
'@googlegroups.com'.  I find that solves all sorts of problems...

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! !  Now I understand
                                  at               advanced MICROBIOLOGY and
                              gmail.com            th' new TAX REFORM laws!!

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