Hi Kwpolska,

thanks for your reply (as last time I posted here!). 

On Monday, March 25, 2013 8:42:25 PM UTC+1, Kwpolska wrote:
> ...
> >         notepad_1 = start("Notepad")
> >         notepad_2 = start("Notepad")
> >         with notepad_1:
> >                 write("Hello World!")
> >                 press(CTRL + 'a', CTRL + 'c')
> >         with notepad_2:
> >                 press(CTRL + 'v')
> That’s ugly, and don’t forget that your users aren’t Pythonistas most
> of the time.

I kind of like the context manager solution because the indentation makes it 
very obvious what happens in which window. You are right about our target group 
though. Also, the "with" is not as explicit as it probably should be. 

> ...
> PS. do you plan a version for non-Windows OSes?  Also, €99 is too expensive.

We'd of course love to support other platforms but don't currently have the 
resources to do this. We actually just wrote a blog entry about this and some 
related questions: http://www.getautoma.com/blog/automa-faq If we have 
something wrong, do let us know in the comments over there!

It's very hard work building such an automation tool and also we have to live 
off something. Unfortunately, we can't make the price any lower.

P.S.: First-time bottom-posting!

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