On Monday, March 25, 2013 10:08:53 PM UTC+1, Chris Angelico wrote:
> ...
> > I kind of like the context manager solution because the indentation makes 
> > it very obvious what happens in which window. You are right about our 
> > target group though. Also, the "with" is not as explicit as it probably 
> > should be.
> What happens at the __exit__ of the context manager? What happens if
> context managers are nested? I'd be inclined to the simpler option of
> an explicit switch (since focus doesn't really "stack" and it'd feel
> weird for focus to *sometimes* switch away when you're done working
> with one window), though the context manager syntax does have its
> advantages too.

You are right, an __exit__ for a window doesn't really make sense and neither 
does stacking. There's also the problem that the focus window may change - for 
instance when closing it. What happens if you're still inside the "with ..." 
then? At first glance, I think the context manager solution looks nice 
syntactically, but maybe it isn't the way to go here.

> ...
> > We'd of course love to support other platforms but don't currently have the 
> > resources to do this. We actually just wrote a blog entry about this and 
> > some related questions: http://www.getautoma.com/blog/automa-faq If we have 
> > something wrong, do let us know in the comments over there!
> Make the API clean enough and someone else might well write a Linux
> equivalent. Then it'll be as simple as a try/import/except/import at
> the top and multiple platforms will work.

Yes, that's a good point. A clean API is very important to us (hence my posting 

Thanks for your answer!

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