rusi <rustompmody <at>> writes:
> Hmm I see some cut-paste goofup on my part.
> I was meaning to juxtapose this thread where we put up with inordinate
> amount of nonsense from OP
> along with the recent thread in which a newcomer who thinks he has
> found a bug in pdb is made fun of.
> Then thought better of it and deleted the stuff.
> However I did not do a good delete-job so I better now say what I
> avoided saying:
> If those who habitually post rubbish are given much of our time and
> effort,
> whereas newcomers and first-timers are treated rudely, the list begins
> to smell like a club of old farts.

+1. If you think you have something intelligent to say to jmfauth,
you might as well start a private discussion with him.

As far as I'm concerned, python-list is *already* of club of old
farts. Many regular posters are more interested in "being right on the
Internet" rather than helping people out.

(this is where the StackOverflow mechanics probably work better, sadly)




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