On 04/10/2013 10:50 AM, Νίκος Γκρ33κ wrote:
> I'am not sure i follow you. How did my topic changed?! Is this
> possible?

This is a mailing list/nntp newsgroup.  The subject line can be changed
arbitrarily by anyone replying to another message.  Normally this is
done to indicate a natural progression of the conversation in a new
direction.  In this case, Steven D'Aprano wrote a reply that did not
answer your pleas, but instead made some observations, and so he changed
the subject line to reflect that.

If you read your messages using a threaded message display, this will
make more sense to you.  But if you use Gmail's (or Google's) broken
conversation view, then this information about who is responding to whom
does get lost--actually in conversation view a lot of information about
the message flow is lost; it really is unfortunate that this way of
communicating has become so widespread.

> How about the oce i posted at patebin.com. Did anyone by any chnace
> had a look into?
> It's only a single thing iam missing for the encoding and the the
> script will load properly with python 3.3

I'm truly sorry, but I simply do not have the time to do so.

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