
Here's my data:
20130315T071500 39000.  10      26      48000.  1       40
20130315T071501 39000.  10      26      48000.  2       42
20130315T071501 39000.  10      26      47520.  15      69
20130315T071501 39000.  10      26      47160.  1       70
20130315T071501 39000.  10      26      47000.  1       72
20130315T071501 39000.  10      26      47000.  2       81
20130315T071501 39000.  10      26      47000.  6       85
20130315T071501 39000.  10      26      46520.  10      95
20130315T071501 43000.  10      36      46520.  10      95
20130315T071501 43200.  4       43      46520.  10      104
20130315T071501 44040.  1       45      46520.  10      108
20130315T071501 44080.  3       48      46520.  10      109
20130315T071501 44080.  3       48      46520.  11      113
20130315T071501 44080.  3       48      46400.  2       131
20130315T071501 45080.  1       51      46400.  2       145
20130315T071501 45080.  1       51      46200.  1       147
20130315T071501 45080.  1       60      46120.  1       182
20130315T071501 45520.  1       65      46120.  1       225
20130315T071501 45520.  1       73      46120.  2       247
20130315T080000 45760.  1       133     46120.  2       378
20130315T080241 45760.  2       199     46120.  2       453
20130315T080945 45760.  3       217     46120.  2       456
20130315T081103 45760.  3       217     46080.  1       457
20130315T081105 45760.  3       218     46080.  2       458
20130315T081106 45760.  4       222     46080.  2       458
20130315T081107 45800.  1       229     46080.  2       458
20130315T082754 45800.  8       266     46080.  2       514

The first column is date + time. I know how to use simple tuples, list's and dict's. But I don't think it's a good idea to make each line an element in a list/dict ?

I want to put this table into an appropriate container such that afterwards I want to:

1) Put the data into a mySql-table
2) Be able to easily plot column 1 vs. either of the other columns using matplotlib etc...

I consider myself a python-newbie so I'm not that good with containers... I found something here: http://docs.python.org/dev/library/collections.html but I'm not really sure what is a good pythonic way of storing this data?

I also think that maybe I ought to convert the first data+time column into a single number, because right now it's a string (because there's a "T" in the middle of column 1)... Letting the date+time-column (=column 1) become entirely numbers, makes it easier to plot in matplotlib afterwards...

I'm not sure how to store this in an efficient manner... What (=how?) would you do it?



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