On 04/12/2013 06:58 PM, Cousin Stanley wrote:
someone wrote:

As you can see, on my system I
had to use:

   print row[0] , row[1]

instead of:

   print row[ 'xtime' ] , row[ 'col4' ]

I'm not sure exactly why

   The magic there is setting up the row_factory
   after the database connection ....

     dbc = DBM.connect( 'some.sql3' )

     dbc.row_factory = DBM.Row

Ah, thanks a lot - now it works! This is much more "user-friendly"...

I don't really know what's the difference
between sqlite3 and mysql...

   MySQL is used through a client/server system
   where the db server is always running
   and client processes submit requests to it
   in the form of sql statements ....

   SQLite is used as a stand-alone single process
   with no external server involved ....

Ok, I see... So SQLite is very good for "practicing"... I'll remember that, thank you.

   Both speak sql but there are some differences
   mostly in data base connection strings
   and data type declarations ....

   Basic sql selection is ....

     select these fields
     from   these files
     where  these conditions are met

   And that part of sql doesn't vary much
   among different data base managers ....

Great, thank you very much...

Looks like everything is on track now... I just have to sit and play with it and make a good interface with matplotlib, but I think I should be able to come up with something nice, based on the help I god in this thread...

Thanks again... I just love this python language - makes it possible to do so much, in so little time and without being an expert at all...


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